Public visits

Come and visit -MÓN- La Bassa.

On Sunday mornings you can come with your family and/or your friends and meet the animals of -MÓN- La Bassa. You can get a guided tour between 11:00 and 13:00.

You and your children will meet the animals in a natural environment and come into close and respectful contact with them.

The minimum donation per person is € 5. Your donation is used for the benefit of the animals that live at -MÓN- La Bassa Animal Sanctuary.

Being around animals is extremely good for children

Being around animals is extremely good for children. Helping to take care of an animal gives children a sense of pride and accomplishment. Children who learn to care for an animal learn, that what they do actually matters.

Studies have shown that children who take responsibility for animals have higher levels of self-esteem than those that don’t.

Animals are great teachers. Being around animals teaches you about relationships. Children and grown-ups alike will learn that if they want to be liked and trusted by the animal, they’ll need to treat the animal carefully and kindly.

Learning to care for an animal helps them to learn how to care for people.